Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Well, here I am, in the Blogosphere at last! Better late than never, I suppose.
Just in case there's anyone reading this who doesn't know me, this blog is all about my experiences with Multiple Myeloma, a fun little cancer of the blood.
I was diagnosed in July 08, had 5 cycles of CTD (oral chemo) and a auto SCT (stem cell transplant with my own cells) in Feb 09. I hoped that this would give me a long period of remission - I think the average is in the region of 2-3 years and I've heard of quite a few still well after 10 years or more. But it was not to be - mine's lasted the grand total of about 2 months. So, I embarked this week on a course of Velcade (21 day cycle - will have 4-6 cycles), with a view to having an allo SCT (from a donor - one of my sisters is a match - lucky her!). Gulp!

Anyway, I'll try to keep this updated, so all you lucky people out there can keep up with my progress with this pile of poo disease. And hopefully, I can help any other sufferers out there too - I know that I'm always hungry for info about others' experiences

Will post again soon x

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