Sunday, 17 January 2010

Is this the worst hotel in the world?...

Here I am, safely incarcerated in the Marsden Hotel!
Got here at about 2pm on Friday and, after much fucking around that seemed at times to be verging on simple piss-taking, I finally got my cell, sorry, room at about 8.45 that evening. Since that meant I missed Corrie, I think I've got grounds for legal recourse.
Anyhoo, so far, so good. Had my first dose of Fludarabine yesterday - just half an hour on the drip - and felt no ill effects. Gotta have another 3 doses, one-a-day for the next 3 days. Then it's the radiotherapy on Weds, followed by the cells from my SCB. Assuming she stumps up, of course! I've told her that I'll come out to where she's donating on Tuesday and squeeze her as hard as I can, just to help things along. The only other thing is the dreaded line insertion on Tuesday. Hated that last time, so really not looking forward to that one!
There's not really much more to tell - food's as crappy as ever and the staff are as lovely as last time, so no change from last year!
Will post again when there's more to tell.
Lotsa love,
A xxx

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